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L'dor Vador

From Generation to Generation

With Montana's first synagogue as our home, the Montana Jewish Project works collaboratively to foster and strengthen Jewish life around the state, and to make our home more vibrant and welcoming to all.

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We're excited to be working with Jewish communities and congregations around Montana to organize a statewide Shabbaton this summer!  We will keep you posted with more details.

You are welcome here.

Fostering & Strengthening Jewish life in Montana





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Temple, Helena Board of Trade, 1891.JPG

Montana's Jewish Roots

On August 25, 2022, the Montana Jewish Project closed on the Temple Emanu-El building returning the building to Jewish hands for the first time in 87 years.​

Reclaiming the beautiful Temple Emanu-El felt, at times, like pushing a boulder up a mountain trail. Without the incredible community support we received, the Montana Jewish Project would not have been able to acquire the building. 


Every dollar donated, every collection raised from a synagogue or church, every fundraiser held in the Montana Jewish Project's honor brought this, every volunteer hour, and every email sharing hope and ideas helped bring this joyful day.


With our goal of reclaiming Temple Emanu-El complete, we now focus on nurturing and educating both the Jewish and non-Jewish communities of Montana.


Through events, book club, and special opportunities, we are working toward establishing a Jewish Community Center and supporting Jewish life in Montana.

Join our
book club!

Each month we explore a novel written by a by a Jewish author, about a Jewish individual, or with a Jewish theme focusing on topics like community, life, or history. The Book Club meets on the first Tuesday of every month at 6:30 pm in the MJP Library.

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Book selections can be found on our social channels. Space is limited; please RSVP to


Joining with interfaith and community partners who share our core value of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) is important to us.


Please get in touch if you have ideas for collaborating.

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